Posted by Jason Daemon

Are you struggling with your personal walk?  How are weathering the storms of life? September 5th at 10:30 Am we begin our fall series.  Be Confident a study in the Book  of Hebrews.  It is a bold book that isn’t for the tame at heart.  We are called to live a bold and dynamic lifestyle as a Christ follower. Life has a way of derailing us, but remaining focused in our relationship with Christ and His word we see us through.

James 1:6 (New Living Translation)

6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.

It all comes down to our spiritual relationship with God. Do you see yourself as Christ sees you? If you want to strengthen you spiritual identity join us for our fall series.  By December you will walk with Confidence!

This series marks the beginning of a new phase of discipleship at our church. September 5th marks the start date of our new Master’s Guild Children’s Worship.  A part of our integrated discipleship program to empower families to grow together in Grace. This exciting Arts Based Junior church is designed for pre-school thru 2nd grade.  Older children remain in worship so families can worship together. If you got kids. you want to be a part of this new program!

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